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In June 2021 President Joseph Biden presented to the nation strategies and plans to be implemented against Domestic (homeland) terrorism. One year to the date, (June, 2022) a home grown terrorist walked into a Texas school (Uvalde elementary) and killed 19 children and three teachers. Since that massacre other terrorist attacks on American citizens have continued, with no positive results from law enforcement, politicians, or groups that are responsible for monitoring and carrying out the strategies and plans set forth by our nation’s top leader. It is not that the strategies did not work or is working, it is that it seems like no one is implementing the strategies “This National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism lays out a comprehensive approach to addressing the threat while safeguarding bedrock American civil rights and civil liberties – values that make us who we are as a nation”.


PGM&A strategies and implementations in countering domestic terrorism strategy is closely designed to focus exclusively and precisely on tackling violence and the issues and the circumstances that surrounds the problem that lead to viciousness and ferocity, ferocity that disregards and infringes upon the law, jeopardizes and endangers public safety, and transgress on the unrestricted representation and manifestation of concepts and beliefs.

PGM&A believes as the President believes that “terrorism has no place in our society” and strategies used to implement the structure of this project if properly implemented will help “Unite All Americans”. PGM&A affirm that “domestic terrorism has no place in our society”.


PGM&A Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism delivers an all-encompassing methodology to focus on directly today’s expression of the national radicalism danger and terror, including the changing and developing types of threats that camouflage itself, changing as our society change years from now; including cyber, biological, physical active shooter events, and the threat may take places in the years to come.

PGM&A Strategy is to implement the President’s strategy to: “Organize around four pillars” the core elements of how the U.S. Government will tackle the threat posed by domestic terrorism today”. 

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First and far most to comprehend and contribute to and communicate information concerning and on the subject of the complete and detailed scope of domestic terrorism risks and dangers.

Put in place powers using A.I. Technology to counteract and avert domestic terrorists from effectively and productively employing and engaging new recruits, instigating and provoking, and rallying and organizing American citizens to violence.

Put in place powers using A.I. Technology to prevent, dissuade and disrupt domestic terrorist activity online and other cyberspace medias beforehand, before it generates and produce violence.

Put in place powers using A.I. Technology, infiltrating organizations at their homes, computers, public places, jobs, anywhere in this nation, letting them know of the quick, vicious and direct consequences of their actions, planning and pre-actions will have serious, quick, and dire consequences.


The long–term issues that contribute to domestic terrorism in our country must be addressed to ensure that this threat diminishes NOW and not for generations to come! Which is why PGM&A's strategy and implementation mentioned in the fourth pillar sets forth acute terms and concepts for focusing and tackling home grown terrorists, while at the same time, is specifically fixated on the terrorists violence. Past attempts to tackle the problems have been misguided and misunderstood which yielded no real hope of change and no real threat of deterrence but instead brought forth “broad dynamics [which yielded] loss and heartache.” PGM&A do not seek to speak to these fundamental subtleties and undercurrents over the long term, PGM&A focuses deeply and strongly on the short term strategy that will now, and not years from now, save our children's lives, our lives as a whole, and our nation’s economic infrastructure. PGM&A must implement the pillars based on the threat of violence that faces us right now!


PGM&A strategies and implementations in countering domestic terrorism strategy is designed to focus precisely on tackling violence and the issues and the circumstances that surrounds the problem that lead to the viciousness and ferocity, ferocity that disregards and infringes upon the law, jeopardizes and endangers public safety, and transgress on the unrestricted representation and manifestation of concepts and beliefs.

PGM&A believes as the President believes that “terrorism has no place in our society”, and strategies used to implement the structure of this project, if properly implemented, will help “Unite All Americans”. 

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PGM&A researched and concluded that: in the past, at the legislative level, major resources and interests were pooled in areas that does not prevent mass destruction and terrorism. The census is that “America too often wants to be everyone’s savior, but its own”. PGM&A’s approach to implementing the presidents’ Strategy “demands that the Federal Government coordinate and collaborate on programmatic aspects of countering domestic terrorism” by coordinating with companies and institutions that are advanced in technology in A.I. These structured and dedicated companies in A.I. Technology in who have the technology to distinguish the threat of terrorism in our country, can partner with government at the policy level to reduce these terrorist threats. Companies that create and manufacture A.I. software, with the latest technology such as information sharing, training, prevention, and intervention platforms. PGM&A approach is to set a pathway for a unity of endeavors at the business and policy level, coordinating with savvy tech software companies, organizations, including universities in which our children are being educated. (OUR CHILDREN WILL HAVE A HAND IN SAVING THEIR OWN LIVES THROUGH TECHNOLOGY TODAY). This, while safeguarding the certainty of employment of law enforcement that must be educated and not “left wholly to appropriate law enforcement without these advanced tools of A.I. Technology, whether on the Federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial level. PGM&A approach is to invigorate, revitalize, unite, link-up to, join, and empower those companies, organizations and communities whose contribution and participation is critical to the preparation, invention and interpretation of this approach in implementing these approaches itself. PGM&A approach to the strategies focuses exclusively and explicitly on the illegal, criminal, unlawful and distinct violence that presents a threat to public security and welfare, to our nationwide safety and protection, and to the authentic unrestricted expression of ideas to our democracy. PGM&A approach will be to employ the opportunities “our country and its laws leave wide open the space for” sociopolitical views and the syntax expression and communication of those views. PGM&A approach also will not leave no room for unlawful violence in its design and/or approach. PGM&A approach to the strategy is designed to preserve life, and at the same time, preventing future terrorist violence which is the main goal and key of this Strategy; thwarting violence, interrupting violence, and dissuading violence before it happens.


PGM&A believes that in any society of freedoms, entitlements and rights, that for the security and benefit of the society and that nation, that some of these freedoms, entitlements and rights must be sacrificed for the sake of that society, that that society may survive. PGM&A supports the implementation of the Strategy that will continue in correspondence with, and be harmonizing to, the work of law enforcement at all levels to examine expected and alleged terrorist, criminal activity no matter in whom that this investigation leads to; from a child to any adult; good, bad, or indifferent. PGM&A supports the prosecution of those individual or group(s). If the child is too young for prosecution and the guardian was negligent in monitoring the behavior of that child PGM&A supports the prosecution of that guardian(s) of those who break our laws to the full extent of the law. PGM&A believes that we as a nation of parents and teachers can do better. “Better at protecting rights and freedoms” but at the same time become willing to take responsibility for our actions and inactions. Never forgetting the engaging in the goal of inhibiting and thwarting human being from injuring and killing their fellow citizens of America via terrorism or other criminal actions. PGM&A will continue to support engagement through companies, organizations, educational facilities, and government organizations including our allies in which already are making a difference in this strategy through the process of implementation of this Strategy. “The threat posed by domestic terrorism is an urgent priority”, and PGM&A will use all of its’ resources to facilitate this Strategy. PGM&A is ready to aggressively use its technology and education along with other organizations and companies with advanced A.I. Technology and the existing legal authorities to set forth how PGM&A plan to improve our response to terrorism, while at the same time, relying on those authorities listed. PGM&A’S Strategy Implementation are ensuring that such investigation and approach are determined and motivated facts and informed by the investigation of the experts who can direct our authorities for tackling domestic terrorist threats and the suggestions “for civil rights and civil liberties of pursuing any changes to those authorities”.



Learning From Our Past Did Not Change the Present,
But Still Can Change Our Future!

PGM&A’s commitments to minimizing terrorist attacks and mass violence domestically is a great task due to the fact that we are dealing with American citizens on our own turf. Since 9/11, most terrorist and mass violence attacks in the U.S. were committed by American citizens and not foreigners.

To date, the deadliest attacks on American soil has been by American citizens, not to include 9/11, —the worst terrorist attack on American soil that was committed by 20 al-Qaeda-linked men primarily from another country, and since that time, fears of foreign terrorists have been justifiably prevalent. But that time has passed; today one of U.S. greatest threats is domestic terrorism. Not one domestic terrorist attack since 9/11 have been committed by a foreign terrorist organization. Generally, domestic terrorism in the United States is “[…] confined to single issue terrorists who use violence to advance their causes, which include ecoterrorists, antiabortionists, and various hate groups,"​ that like to commit their terrorism attacks in areas that are close to their operations base.


PGM&A believes in never making assumptions, never assume that “this or that can or would never happen”. Heeding assumptions or taking people, factions, and groups for granted is what usually leads to the belief that "there is a conventional wisdom that terrorism in the US is the province of foreigners and is seen as a problem of infiltration." Focusing on such assumptions is what aided to the security breaches of the “Twin Towers” which led to 9/11; these assumptions amongst other factors, are what certainly led to the mass violence of the 1999 Columbine High School shooting, 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, or the 2021 Atlanta spa shooting spree, and the 2022 Uvalde, TX elementary school shooting, and countless other U.S. mass violence and domestic terrorism attacks, having such belief and assumption, leaves certain U.S. establishments unsecured, and when one U.S. establishment or institution is left unsecured, then all U.S. establishments and institutions are unsecured! When this mindset and approach is enforced, then will counter-terrorism measures and strategies work effectively to greatly reduce domestic terrorism and mass violence.

PGM&A’s special investigations team have researched and examined that since 9/11, U.S. citizens and legal residents were the culprits of 80% of domestic terrorist attacks and mass violence. In addition, since January 1, 1994, to December 31, 2021, there have been 1,040 cases of terrorist plots and attacks in the U.S. Furthermore, the years 2020 and 2021 had the highest numbers of domestic terrorist attacks and plots. In 2021, there were 73 terrorist attacks and plots in the United States. The number of fatalities increased from 5 in 2020 to 30 in 2021. This level was roughly comparable to 2019, in which there were 35 fatalities from terrorism in the United States, (The Evolution of Domestic Terrorism, 2022).


PGM&A believe that if AI technology and strategies are not put in place soon, the killing and injuring of more and more “targets” will ultimately continue to increase. The Uvalde, TX mass shooting, where 21 people were killed: 18 elementary children and 3 teachers, is the latest mass violence/domestic terrorist attack committed by a deadly domestic terrorist perpetrated by an U.S. citizen, is another wake up call to all of us responsible, especially our Congress.


Domestic terrorism generally refers to terrorist acts committed by a government’s own citizen(s). According to Newman & Clarke, “[domestic] terrorists are ordinary people with ordinary needs and ordinary limitations.” Depending on the terrorists’ objective(s) for committing terrorist acts and/or mass violence, terrorists come from all walks of life and do not attack at random, but plan for short-term and long-term results. In addition, to further understand the “profile” of a domestic terrorist, PGM&A researchers and investigators looked at the weapons of choice and the “target(s)” that domestic terrorist groups chose in their attacks in 2021. It was found that the domestic terrorists were:

  • young males

  •  white supremacists and other like-minded attackers

  • Anarchists

  • Anti-fascists and other like-minded attackers


Regardless of perpetrator ideology, most terrorist fatalities in 2021 were from firearms: 9 of the 11 fatal attacks were committed with firearms, accounting for 26 of the 30 deaths. Of the 38 white supremacist and other like-minded terrorist attacks and plots in 2021, 16 used firearms, 9 involved explosives and incendiaries, 4 were melee attacks using weapons such as knives or bludgeoning weapons, and 2 were vehicular attacks, (The Evolution of Domestic Terrorism, 2022).


Regardless of the domestic terrorists’ orientation, domestic terrorists have further set out to target government, military, and police agency personnel. According to CSIS, “of the total 77 terrorist attacks and plots in 2021, 29 were directed against government, military, and police targets. These perpetrators identified with a range of ideologies and movements, including the QAnon conspiracy, the sovereign citizen movement, militia groups, anarchism, anti-fascism, environmentalism, and other anti-government and anti-authority philosophies. The next most common target for violent anarchist, antifascist, and like-minded perpetrators was businesses.”

PGM&A suggests that citizens prone to radicalization can become domestic terrorists, even though this issue gets less attention and is more aligned to psychological aspects, there are some attributes of radicalization that ultimately leads to terrorism. According to OJP, “[a]t the individual level, the radicalization process often involves embracing a terrorist belief system or narrative that identifies particular others or groups as “enemies” and justifies engaging in violence against them. Individuals may also begin to identify themselves as terrorists, as well as to engage in activities that highlight their commitments to their new beliefs, identities, and/or others who hold them,” (Office of Justice Programs, 2022).

Terrorism and mass violence is a crime, just like a robbery or a homicide is a crime, and we know that crime will always be present. Although crime will always be present, it can also be alleviated, predicted, and interrupted. PGM&A’s Strategy for Countering Terrorism and mass violence integrates forward-thinking and innovative counter-terrorism techniques and methods with groundbreaking AI, to not only bid for change, but to be the change!


Join PGM&A Today, for Change Today!

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©2022 by Providence Global Mergers & Acquisitions Management Corporation, LLC.

1327 Empire Central Dr., Suite 260, Dallas, TX 75247 |  (214)774-9158  | 


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